Skinny vs. Fit: Why Embracing Strength Over Size Matters

Skinny vs. Fit: Why Embracing Strength Over Size Matters

In a world that often pushes us toward certain beauty standards and “perfect” body images, many women – especially those of us in our 40s and beyond – find ourselves navigating the difference between being “skinny” and being “fit.” This distinction is so important for our overall well-being and quality of life. Rather than chasing…

Why Strength Training is Essential for Women in Their 40s

Why Strength Training is Essential for Women in Their 40s

My fitness journey started long before I hit my 40s, way back in 2000, when I gave birth to my first baby. Like many new moms, I wanted to stay active, so I dabbled in cardio—occasional dancing and jogging. Back then, I wasn’t mindful of the nutrition aspect, and the weight slowly piled on over…