
What I Wore – The Romper

romper fashion trend

Hello there my pretties! I am so excited to share this #OOTN on one of the events I attended later part of November. Yes, this is a bit overdue but hey! better late than never :D. Are you into The Romper trend? Me honestly, I wasn’t the biggest fan until I decided to wear this. I had this sleeping in my closet for a while because 1. I couldn’t find the perfect occasion for it, 2. It didn’t fit me so well until just recently that I shed off some extra weight and it felt more comfortable wearing. And I thought it’s a little too short. 3. I wasn’t sure if I can pull it off!

So I finally had the courage to put it on and strut my stuff! I surprisingly loved the overall look, like seriously loved it. I got them from my favorite online shopping store Zalora. It’s fabric is chiffon so it’s naturally flowy making it look like a cute flirty dress, one of the things I like about rompers, its versatility. I didn’t want anything to steal the look so I didn’t put much effort with accessories.

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Royal Blue Romper: Zalora.com.ph
Shoes: Huxley (also from Zalora)
Watch: Timex
Bag: my closet

Tip: Rompers comes in various styles, prints, fabrics, and cuts. It is important that you know where to wear them.  Rompers can definitely be everywhere! Whether you are going out in the evening, having some sun at the beach, or just for casual weekends. It all depends on the romper AND very important THE SHOES!

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  1. That is so hot!! I love that outfit… I just can’t pull off a romper I wish I could because I think they are just so cool!!

  2. That is super cute on you! I’ve never really been into rompers because I’m high waisted. I love how they look though and how comfortable and versatile they seem to be.

  3. Killer shoes girl! I always thought rompers were for the beach so I never even tried one on and now I am sorry I didn’t.
    (plus the thought of totally having to undress to go to the washroom freaks me out too) LOL!

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