The Start of My Fitness Journey

I recently posted a Then and Now photo of me on a weight loss supplement page in Social Media and I have received tons of questions on how I managed to get to where I am now. Well actually I have been receiving questions eversince people noticed the weight loss.

then and now fitness

Well, where do I start? Okay, often I get questions like, What’s your secret? How did you it? Do you go to the gym? What weight loss product are you using? Or even Nag Herbalife ka? And all sorts of questions relating to it. Thank you guys for all the questions, it led me to write another blog post so I can answer the questions and of course share my fitness journey because I really really want to inspire you ladies and even gents out there to be at your healthiest and most fit self.

So how big was I? I started to bloat 2008, I was in the call center industry. It didn’t really bother me that much so I did not notice that I actually got bigger as the years progressed. Now looking back at my photos from 2009-2011, I can’t believe how I let myself go like that! I knew I gained weight but I did not think of myself as FAT. No one pointed it out to me, or probably they’re too scared of the maldita me? Hahaha! Back then, cakes, pizza, ice cream, frappucinos, humba, coke, and rice means life to me! I would unmindfully eat those kind of foods ANYTIME of the day, even at midnight!

I am this lady who loves to dress up! I love fashion, I am kikay as they call it and I don’t know, my weight didn’t seem to bother me. But then later on, shopping for clothes became frustrating because I could not fit into the ones I really love! I felt so fashionably limited, I find it hard to breathe, I felt heavy and so unhealthy!  Finally I got so aware of my weight problem and told myself I need to do something!

fitness workout from home

Working out from home

So I started to battle the weight gain. Ugh! It wasn’t easy! It’s was like a roller coaster ride! I have been battling with losing weight since 2011. Then I went through an emotional turmoil too so that also kind of fueled my eagerness to re-create myself. So I started getting into the workout wagon early 2012. I started going for morning runs, and doing all these home workouts, intermittently! I worked out from home mostly by following videos from youtube. Dance workout, Pilates, Yoga sometimes, and finally those HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout by Jillian Michaels and there’s this insanely Insanity by Shaun T that kills me each time I get into it! Yes, I tried them all and I would always feel great everytime I finish a routine. To be honest, I am quite surprised of my stamina despite my big self. I even did the Insanity challenge but on my 6th week I had to stop because I developed vertigo in doing such intense workout and not having enough sleep (my fault actually). I also did join a Nutrition club weight loss challenge but didn’t last until the end. I would join fun runs, Zumba classes, and swim occasionally. All of these things I tried, I had little success. I succeeded in losing a few pounds but I would always end up gaining them back or even more. I was INCONSISTENT and wasn’t paying attention to my DIET!


You think I stopped? No I didn’t! See? I was that determined but I was CLUELESS. Thankfully I was introduced to my coach last March of 2015. Coach Moy as we call him, pretty much explained a lot of things to me, especially the Nutrition part. He introduced me to strength training, which means, working out would include lifting weights, and lots of it.  I wasn’t really looking into going to the gym that time. My issues were;

  1. I don’t want to workout away from my home because going to the gym will take much of my time (travel time + workout time)
  2. I wasn’t willing to spend that much (gym fee + coach fee + transpo + meal plans)
  3. I don’t like weights!
  4. I have my personal problems and I don’t think I can carry on with what’s instore for me.

Photo taken when I was just starting training with Coach Moy. I was with my friend Jenny who introduced me to him.

Despite all my issues, I decided to give it a try anyway and made a decision to INVEST for my health. So I resigned to a 3x a week workout with Coach Moy. And behold, my amazing Fitness Journey began! The 3x a week became a daily thing except for Sundays. And I have learned to love lifting those dumb bells, barbells, and whatever was there to lift at the gym! haha!

A photo posted by LadySoda (@p1nks0da) on

MEET THE COACH! He is just amazing! can’t imagine myself training with someone else!

fitness coach moy

I started at 71-72 kgs (158.4 lbs) last April 2015 and on the process of training with coach Moy, I understood a lot of things that actually helped me get through the journey. I understood that losing weight is not just busting your butt at the gym or at home doing all the tough workout. You need consistency AND change the way you eat. We started following a meal plan also and since I was committed to succeed this time, I religiously followed it (and please! the effort and muscle pain are too much to ignore! – it was a constant reminder of the reason why I am into this fitness journey). I started to shed off pounds week by week. I started at 72 kilos and every week or two I get so thrilled to see it going down.

fitness squats

My Favorite! Squats and Legs routines

fitness journey

Me throughout the years. I think it shows the inconsistency until 2014

So fast forward to 2016, to date I am at my ideal weight (56kls-57kls) and I got my confidence back and I feel even stronger! As I’ve said, this weight loss journey taught me a lot of things. If you are looking into making that change, I have some tips for you. I hope you find these helpful.

  • Seek for God’s guidance and strength as you go through your own fitness journey. Offer it to Him because after all, He wants us to honor our body and one way of honoring it is making it healthier.
  • A guidance from someone who really knows fitness is a huge help! Get a coach or ask for a help from someone who definitely knows fitness and nutrition
  • Ladies, don’t be afraid to lift weights! Trust me, they will not make you muscular. They will instead help you lose weight faster. While cardio is good and can help you lose weight, and train your lungs and heart, I would still highly recommend strength training as it will also shape your body aside from it will strengthen your endurance.
  • Accept that DIET is part of the journey so be open to it and be willing to change the way you eat but do not deprive yourself from food. One of the things I love about my coach is he does not believe in food deprivation. I just love cheat days! Learn to eat moderately. YOU CANNOT OUT-EXERCISE A BAD DIET
  • Train seriously. Think positively and know that your muscles are stronger than you think they are!
  • Be consistent and have a clear picture of your goal but do not be too hard on yourself. Becoming healthy and fit is not a fad! It is not a one month gig, it is supposed to be a lifestyle! Get on with it seriously and take time to rest if you have to.
  • Do not give too much emphasis on the weighing scale. Those are just numbers. What’s important is the changes you feel (at least physically). You will definitely know when you are improving when those shirt or pants becomes too loose.
  • Workout with friends – it’s more fun that way. Working out is never dull when you do it with friends. BUT always keep your goal in mind so when or in case they’ll stop, you will still continue.
  • Join a support group. Joining women’s group who are into working out kept me motivated. I actually created one for my local ladies :). If you can’t find any, at least find a friend with the same passion/goal.

I hope these will help you jumpstart your own fitness journey. If you ask me the secret, for me it’s Commitment, Discipline, and Patience.

This is just the start of my Fitness entries in this blog. I will surely be sharing more ladies in the coming days! Fitness Tips, my Routines, and even my struggles as I continue in this journey. So who’s with me?




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  1. Now I am motivated ? I have been trying for years to get into a better shape but never successfull with it. I guess I need to check my local Gold Gym. Great blog sis????

    1. Hi sis Eva! Thanks for dropping by! You can do it sis! Nothing is really impossible if you put your heart into it. I can relate jud, I have been trying to get in shape for years and have had little success then ended up gaining the weight back. The key for me was, getting the right guidance (coach)…with his guidance and my determination, we were able to get to the goal….well not really the ultimate goal yet but the excess weight was shed off and we are able to maintain it. ?

      Best of luck sis!

    1. Hi sis! Thanks for dropping by! You can do it sis! Nothing is really impossible if you put your heart into it. I can relate jud, I have been trying to get in shape for years and have had little success then ended up gaining the weight back. The key for me was, getting the right guidance (coach)…with his guidance and my determination, we were able to get to the goal….well not really the ultimate goal yet but the excess weight was shed off and we are able to maintain it. 🙂

      Best of luck sis!

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